Here is how to get a hold of me.

The big disclaimer!!!

This site was made for the sole purpose of entertainment! nothing in this site is intended for real use! I can therefore assume absolutely no responsibility for anyone who is stupid enough to attempt any of the things that I have done.

How many ways can I say "don't try this at home!"

If your PC crashes while viewing this site buy a better computer.

That was all I had for this page but I guess I have some room left so here are the credits. Not in any order.

my wife for the speel checking and grammar and back seat typing.

Joe for all his help and patients in teaching me how to do this, plus the site itself!!!

My kids for annoying me enough to go to the shop and build something stupid.

Andy, Steve, Dad and many others for all their help in help in building my shop that I use in the creating of my projects.

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